Building Families Through Surrogacy Since 1993
Helping clients in Ohio and Illinois, throughout the U.S. and around the world.


Gestational carrier agreements must be clear and define the rights and expectations of all parties. They must address the multitude of subjects that arise in a surrogacy arrangement — legal parentage, insurance, number of transfers, and anticipated expenses and payments — and provide a road-map for the many, different situations that can and do come up during a pregnancy.

Because of the nature of the arrangement, it is important that both the intended parents and the surrogate (and her partner, as applicable) seek separate, experienced legal counsel.

The laws about surrogacy vary from state to state, making certain jurisdictions more friendly than others. Where the intended parent(s) and surrogate live and where the birth will take place will directly impact the ease and feasibility of a surrogacy arrangement. Ohio and Illinois, where Essig & Evans, LLP represent clients in Fertility Law, are both states which are surrogacy friendly.

Our experienced attorneys can represent you in the drafting and negotiation of your Gestational Carrier Agreement without you ever having to step foot in our Cincinnati office. We can work with you through email, telephone, Skype, FaceTime, WhatsApp and a variety of other applications and video conferencing tools.